Linger by Maggie Stiefvater + bookmark (signed)
Unholy Ghosts by Stacia Kane
Unholy Magic by Stacia Kane
City of Ghosts by Stacia Kane
Signed poster of Hunger by Jackie Morse Kessler
Signed Mockingbirds bookmark, letter + 2 signed bookplates from Daisy Whitney

Entangled by Cat Clarke (signed w/ postcard)
Empty by Suzanne Weyn
Misguided Angel by Melissa de la Cruz (signed)
Revelations by Melissa de la Cruz

Waiting for you by Susane Colasanti
Divine by Mistake by P.C. Cast

Minding Ben by Victoria Brown
Queens of All The Earth by Hannah Sternberg
Thanks to Hyperion, Bancroft Press, the wonderful Cat Clarke, Melissa de la Cruz (and her lovely assistant), Daisy Whitney, Jackie Morse Kessler, Precious of Fragments of Life, Michelle of Windowpane Memoirs, Stacy of Stacy's Place on Earth and Emma of Scholastic!
That copy of Revelations isn't mine, it's part of the prize pack we're giving away. You can still join the contest until January 31st. Click HERE to join.
Also, that's my second copy of Stacia Kane's Unholy Ghosts, so I'm giving away the other one soon. Watch out for it when I post the contest for my 6th month blogoversary giveaway soon. :)
Oh, waiting for you looks so cute. [:
ReplyDeleteSo many new things again! I got Queens of all the Earth too!
ReplyDeleteMy Mailbox
Entangled sounds brilliant! I hope you enjoy it along with everything else! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat reads! I really want to read Stacia Kane and Hunger.
ReplyDeleteMy IMM
Great bunch of books! Entangled sounds so interesting, I love the final cover they've released with the girl cover model, so pretty. Looking forward to your thoughts on it. Happy reading!