Hello there, my name is Kai. Here are some quick facts about me:
- I'm a Filipina.
- There are three things that I love. One, obviously, is Japan (thus the Sun Goddess, Amaterasu, reference). Two, would be Korea (and Kpop!). And three, BOOKS.
- I'm a big sports fan (boxing, MMA, baseball, F1, basketball, billiards, you name it).
- I love Asian cuisine!
- I'm a self-proclaimed otaku.
- I'm a Cassie and a member of BigEast. (Asian pop fans will get this!)
- I write fanfiction.
- I hope to become a published author someday.
I got my love for books from my mom, and growing up, I've read every single romance book she has in her collection. It's the opposite when I got older as I am now a big YA fan. Reading, for me is therapeutic (keeps reality at bay sometimes) and I don't think I'll stop reading in the near future.
I have also been involved in a few bookish endeavours, namely:
- Panelist: Blogging Ethics (Filipino Readers Conference, 2012)
- Judge, Short Story Anthology (Filipino Readers Conference, 2012)
- Judge, Chick Lit (Filipino Readers Conference, 2013)
- Online committee member (Filipino Readers Conference, 2014-2016)
- Founder, Pinoy Book Tours (First book tour site for Young Adult books in the Philippines)
The books I like may not be what you like, and the way I review my books might differ from others, but I always try to be honest with what I write. Reading books is fun, sharing my thoughts about it is even better.
I very much welcome book recommendations! I'd love to read as many books as I can.
If you ever have a need to contact me, just leave a comment for me or tweet me at @amaterasureads!

Blog statistics:
- Blog audience: USA, Canada, UK, Australia and the Philippines
- 7 years of blogging (started July 22, 2010)
- 1,200 Google Friend Connect followers
- 2,250 Twitter followers (book bloggers, authors and readers)
- 400 - 500 unique page views per week