Title: This is W.A.R. by Lisa Roecker & Laura RoeckerWant? Add to your Goodreads list!
Release Date: July 2nd 2013
Published by: Soho Teen
Summary (from Goodreads):
This is W.A.R. begins with a victim who can no longer speak for herself, and whose murder blossoms into a call-to-arms. Enter four very different girls, four very different motives to avenge Willa Ames-Rowan, and only one rule to start: Destroy James Gregory and his family at any cost. Willa's initials spell the secret rallying cry that spurs the foursome to pool their considerable resources and deliver their particular brand of vigilante justice. Innocence is lost, battles are won—and the pursuit of the truth ultimately threatens to destroy them all.
Why we're waiting for This is W.A.R.:
This sounds like Burn for Burn and Revenge joining forces and creating a YA book. I am so excited and curious at the same time to find out how the story and the vengeance part will play out for all four girls. That cover looks familiar though, and I always love underwater shots!

Title: Nothing But Blue by Lisa Jahn-CloughWant? Add to your Goodreads list!
Release Date: May 7th 2013
Published by: Houghton Mifflin Books for Children
Summary (from Goodreads):
All dead. No one survived. All dead.
This morbid chant haunts seventeen-year-old Blue as she trudges through the countryside with just the clothes on her back, heading to her childhood home on the ocean. Something absolutely awful has happened, she knows it, but she doesn’t know what. She can’t even remember her name, so she calls herself Blue. This gripping survival story—peppered with flashbacks to bittersweet times with her boyfriend, Jake—strips life down to its bare bones. Blue learns, with the help of a seemingly magical stray dog and kind people along the road, that the important thing is to live.
Why I'm waiting for Nothing But Blue:
This oddly reminds me of Safekeeping. I think I'm liking survival stories now, and this one sounds especially gripping and heart breaking as well. That phrase "strips life down to its bare bones" just gave me goosebumps. How emotional can this story be? I can't wait to find out!
So what are your WoW picks this week? Share your links with us!

I was thinking the same thing about the cover too! Although revenge stories I do love the most so I'm pretty excited for this one!
ReplyDeleteAs for Nothing But Blue, I can't help but feel so sad for the girl! I'd go insane if I was the only person around anymore :L
Ellen @ Elle-Osophy
My WOW post
Nothing but Blue sounds pretty interesting. I haven't heard of either one of these books and I'd love to give them a try. Great picks!
ReplyDeleteCome check out my WOW post.
Nothing But Blue sounds fabulous and will be added to the TBR wishlist for sure. I'm a huge Survival story fan and this just looks way to good to pass up.
ReplyDeleteMy WoW
Both of these sound fabulous. I'm really excited for This is W.A.R. though since it totally does sound like Burn for Burn meets Revenge. Great WoW picks!
ReplyDeleteThis is WAR seems really interesting! Thanks so much for sharing! :)
ReplyDeleteTop 10 Tuesdays
Waiting on Wednesday
Thank you, thank you, thank you for adding my book, Nothing But Blue to your to-read list! This book was an incredible process to write and I still can't quite believe it's going to be available for people to read soon. I am both eager and terrified to see response to this book. I hope you enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteThis is W.A.R. looks like a great pick, too.
All the best,
Lisa Jahn-Clough