August 3 – Reading Habits and Book Formats. Where and how do you read? Can you read anywhere and everywhere, or do you need a certain place/mood/state of mind to get reading? Do you read more in the morning or at night or any minute that you can? Where and how do you usually read? Are you exclusively for print, or do you go for ebooks more than print? Have you ever tried audiobooks?
First question: Where and how do you read?
I can read just about anywhere. But I do have a special place in our house crammed with my study table and surrounded by my bookshelves. It's where I spend most of my time when I'm indoors. How do I read? I find a comfortable nook, sit there, pop my earphones, turn my music on (yes, I read with the music on) and flip through the pages of my book. I never, ever, dog ear pages. I cringe at the thought of folding a page. I cover my books! And it pains me to see creases on my book's spine, so getting a book holder is not an option. You'll know it's my book when you see a ton of post its sticking out of the pages. :)
Can you read anywhere and everywhere, or do you need a certain place/mood/state of mind to get reading?
When I go out I always make it a point to have a book or my Kindle with me, so whenever the urge to be anti-social hits, I just bring out my book (or Kindle) and start reading. In my room, in coffee shops, inside the car. You can probably find me in a corner of the office reading. I can read anywhere, everywhere. At least anywhere and everywhere that is safe. You can't be too vigilant and have your Kindle stolen.
I'm a moody reader. I read whenever the urge hits me, which usually happens several times a day. If I feel stressed out with work and I need to take a break, sometimes I just grab my book and read a few pages to calm down. You can put me in a noisy place and I can still read. I automatically block out the sounds around me when I read.
Do you read more in the morning or at night or any minute that you can?
Playing catch up with my TBR pile, I read whenever I can. Sometimes even when I'm in the middle of working, I remember I have to finish reading a book and I try reading even a few pages. I read faster during the day though, as my nights are usually spent on book blogging activities.
Where and how do you usually read?
At home! I plop down in front of my study table, and then read. Sometimes when I'm feeling lazy I read while in bed. Reading never makes me feel sleepy though. Some people tend to read until they fall asleep but I can't do that because my brain is most active when I'm reading. I have the worst reading habit. Even with poor lighting, I can read if I'm really into the book. Sometimes when the lights are already off and everyone is sleeping, I get a flashlight (I don't have a book light, sorry), strap it on my head, point it on my book and continue reading.
Are you exclusively for print, or do you go for ebooks more than print?
I read better and faster for print books. I have a Kindle, which I usually load with my e-ARCs and e-books but nothing beats the feeling of leafing through the pages of a book, tracing its spine and that newly printed smell. Given the choice, I will still go for print books. There are books that you just have to get a physical copy of no matter what.
Have you ever tried audiobooks?
Yes, but I am more of a reader than a listener. It's easier for me to imagine the world of the book I'm reading when I'm seeing the words rather than when I listen to it. Audiobooks tend to make me sleepy. It's like I'm having a long one sided conversation with someone. I find it weird, maybe because my brain's been hardwired to think that to read, you need to have the book and feel that you have it rather than play something and have someone read it to you. I have yet to find the magic in getting audiobooks.
I'm done! I'd love to know more about your reading habits and book formats you prefer! Share your thoughts or posts about this topic with me!

How do you post-its ..the thought of stopping to write would break my reading rhythym? I need to take notes though cuz I'm very forgetful! --Bummer about your experience with audiobooks ..I think some audiobook narrators are great at read acting and find the experience quite relaxing or entertaining. :)
ReplyDeleteI have tons of post it strips! I stick 'em to passages worth remembering or will help me write a better review. Yeah, too bad with audiobooks. I tried listening to City of Fallen Angels with Ed Westwick, it still didn't work. :)
Deletethe urge to be anti-social... i get that a lot, too. :)
ReplyDeleteHaha, yep. Most of the time when I have a book with me I end up reading it than talking w/ people :D
DeleteI use to have a book light, the one that you can clip on the book, but the light was quite dim and only shines on one are of the book. So, I went back to using a flashlight. I just prop it on my shoulder and/or cradle it with my chin, which can be tiresome in the long run. How do you strap yours to your head?
ReplyDeleteI am very OC with books too. I hate it when borrowers return my books and I find dog ears, spine creases, markings and folds! Eek! :)
I seriously need a booklight! I tried doing it the same way you do, but my shoulders hurt after a few minutes. I have a small flashlight here and I usually just stick it inside my eye cover and point it to the book :D
DeleteI almost NEVER lend my books, not unless I'm sure that the other person will take care of it really well. I hate it when I see folds or creases on my books.
I cringe every time I see a crease in my paperback spines too. Someone needs to invent some sort of book iron. ;) I think I can ready just about anywhere as well, but do prefer the cosiness of my bed. If only I could haul my bed along with me everywhere I went. :P
ReplyDeleteHey there, Sam! Ah yes, I'm not alone in thinking that creases need to stay away from books! :) I can read anywhere too, just give me a corner to go to and I'll fade away in the background, happily reading :D