Title: Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick by Joe Schreiber
Pages: 240
Release Date: March 5th 2012
Published by: Electric Monkey
Source: Publisher (thanks Jenn!)
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Perry Stormaire is a normal high school senior– he is busy applying to college and rehearsing with his band –until he agrees to go to the prom with the Lithuanian exchange student who is staying with his family. It turns out that Gobi Zaksauskas is not the mousy teenager that she seems but rather an attractive, confident trained assassin. Instead of going to the prom, Perry finds himself on a wild ride through the streets of New York City as Gobi commandeers the Jaguar his father lent him for the prom in order to take out her targets. Perry learns a lot about himself – and ends up with some amazing material for his college application essays.
This book starts like any other YA contemporary books do. Perry is the classic doormat who follows whatever his parents tells him to do, even taking to the prom the weird exchange student who is somehow living in his house and ditching his dream gig of performing with his band. One minute, Gobi is a girl who you'd be ashamed to admit you know, the next she's a gun totting, smoking hot assassin. Perry's prom night turned out to be the most stressful and dangerous night of his life as he took a ride throughout town with Gobi. And they say life is full of surprises... whoever said it certainly haven't met Gobi.
First of all, this book rocked my socks off. I loved Perry's sarcastic humor. I love how everything was written essay style, as responses to college application questions. Piece by piece the story comes together through Perry's amusing observations and superb story telling. Reading a story through first person's point of view has always been my favorite and Perry's way of thinking, his observations and the way he just behaves makes me laugh my head off at the most random of times. He's not the type who'd risk his life and be the hero, in fact he's a bit wimpy but I like the fact that he managed to grow a backbone through the craziest things and stunts he and Gobi pulled off all in one night. This book is about as much about Perry's life as it was about his dangerous companion.
Gobi, on the other hand, is Perry's polar opposite. While Perry is afraid of incurring the wrath of his father by getting a scratch on his Jaguar, Gobi will do just about anything to finish a job. Getting shot in the chest wouldn't even stop her. And who injects herself with adrenaline boosters just to stay awake and alert enough to kill a person? Apparently, her. And I understand her for doing just that. There's more to Gobi's character than what readers see at first glance and I love just how it was revealed in the story. You'd still think she's a suicidal girl with a death wish, but you'll see that it was warranted. I loved her from the moment she bombed a club to the moment she revealed who she really was. To say that she's a dynamic character is not enough, she's very much alive. You'd see many facades of Gobi's character, from the cold-hearted killer to the vulnerable girl she really was deep inside. Because really, that's just what she is.
Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick is a 'grip-the-edge-of-your-seat' kind of book. It's like I'm watching an Angelina Jolie spy movie in the best seat of the house. With thrilling explosive action scenes and the occasional bursts of humor from Perry, it's a fast, fun read! What makes it better is it's not just about Gobi's quest for revenge, it's also about a boy's life and how he was able to find out things about himself that he doesn't know he's capable of doing. If you think Prom night is boring, you have got to read about Perry's night. Full of all the necessary ingredients to make a book as lively and as engaging as possible, Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick is an unforgettable read!
Content (plot, story flow, character):
Filled with adrenaline pumping scenes, car chases, bad guys and butt kicking heroines. What's not to love?

Shining: Worthy of a Goddess' Love!
Book Cover:
Kill Bill, anyone?
Kill Bill, anyone?
I received this book free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book-it was near impossible to put down as I just had to know the next crazy thing that would happen to Perry! I appreciated his narration and can't wait to see what happens in the sequel.