So on a whim, I logged in to my (ancient) wordpress account and set this up. So welcome, everyone! I'm not sure if there will be anyone visiting this blog yet, but if by chance, there is, try leaving me a comment, will you? Make your presence known... ;)
I'm not gonna start this blog running by posting a review, since I just finished reading a book last night and I've just started reading one. But if you're interested, I've just finished reading: The Amaranth Enchantment
I've enjoyed reading it, considering the fact that the only Amaranth I know is Davichi's 1st album (Kpop thing, sorry.). If you're interested to see and read my review, you can check it out in my Goodreads page here.
Currently, I'm reading the 4th book off one of my favorite authors, who also happens to be a Filipina, Melissa de la Cruz's Blue Bloods series. The 4th and final installment of the vampire and angels story about Schuyler, The Van Alen Legacy. I know, Vampires? Angels? After the disaster that is Twilight, one might be skeptical on books like this, but I absolutely love the series. I've forgotten how I stumbled into her books, but I'm glad I did.
The thing with reading books in a series is trying to recall what happened in the previous book and tying it with what is happening in the book you are currently reading. I am experiencing that problem now, and I just started reading the last book. I should have read this book while the story was still fresh in my mind. But oh well, I'm determined to finish this book this week for my 50 books a year challenge.
I still have a lot of things to tweak in this humble website of mine, so watch out for my posts in the next few weeks!
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